It is the basic policy of the Company to deal fairly and justly in all relationships. It applies not only to relations with the shareholder(s) /owner(s), management, employees, government agencies, competitors, suppliers and customers, but to all that deal with our Company. To facilitate such administration, certain specific policies regarding relations between Company personnel and outside companies and individuals have been established.   Character, complete honesty, transparency, loyalty, attitude and ethics are valued more highly and rewarded by the Company, as compared to most other companies.

1. No employee, without competent authority from the operative Chief Executive Officer or Chairman of the Board, shall give or release to an unauthorized fellow employee, former employee or to anyone outside the Company, any data or information of a confidential nature relating to the Company’s business, or that of any affiliate, or to use such knowledge for his/her personal gain. This includes data from the Company’s plans to acquire, client lists, subcontractor or vendor lists, competitive bid data, prices paid or received for goods and services to be purchased or sold, where such information might be published, released or otherwise used to the detriment of the Company or its management, or for personal gain. Data on the income and cost experience in any area of activity shall not be released to anyone outside the Company except where this is deemed essential and appropriate by management. Violation of this policy is grounds for immediate termination of employment.

2. An officer or employee of  worker that receives pay or any type of benefit from the Firm, its subsidiaries and or affiliates may not accept a directorship or officer's position of another corporation without approval of the Chief Executive Officer, and certainly may not compete with the Company, directly or indirectly, to include providing any service or product that could have been provided through or by the Company or any of its affiliates. Charitable and nonprofit organizations are exceptions to this policy.  Any employee who causes clients or customers to direct contracts for work or payments to the employee or others in lieu of the Company commits both a breach of his or her contract pursuant to a fiduciary duty to the Company, and an unlawful act.

3. An officer or employee may not receive nor offer anything of value, including any offer of employment or making of a loan, for authorizing a sub-contract, or to obtain a client contract, respectively.  The Company standard guide is FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulations). In all cases an employee shall not request or issue contracts or purchase orders for services if these services can be performed by employees of the Company in the normal course of business. Valid Purchase Order numbers or written contracts duly executed are required in advance for any transaction resulting in a liability greater than $500.

4. Opening a local bank account in the name of the corporation or a similar name is under all circumstances and situations prohibited; all such accounts are maintained only by Austin. To do so is grounds for immediate termination. However, a petty cash account not in the name of the corporation may be opened with prior written approval from the CEO, but never may be overdrawn.

5. An Employee who knowingly breaks the law or approves same directly, indirectly, by error or by omission, or takes discriminatory employment action, or who takes employee or client action that personally or familiarly benefits the employee as compared to the Company, or negligently destroys a client relationship, and has breached Company policy or employment statute, has liability to the Company for all costs, damages and legal fees to include an Amount Due the Company by the Employee.

6. I am bound by all terms of the standard form Employment Agreement ("SF-EA") unless a daily signed Employment Agreement exists.  By accepting employment, or first pay, all employees are bound by this Code of Ethics, standard from Employment Agreement, and Employee Handbook.I have read and agree to abide by the ethics and rules in this handbook while employed by or while providing work to the Firm, its subsidiaries , affiliates or associates. 

    We are most happy to welcome you to our Company that uses this Standard Form Employee Handbook, or SF-EH. We think you will find our Firm to be both an interesting and challenging place to fulfill your career.    As an employee or worker, you are the major asset and resource. Your well being and satisfaction with your work is a necessity for our continued growth and prosperity. This booklet, part of the Manager’s Policy Manual, is intended to describe the benefits which the Firm offers to you, as well as the policies and work rules to which it expects you to adhere. If you accept or receive payment from our Firm as any type or status worker, you agree to and are bound by this SF-EH and by the terms and conditions in our standard form employment or worker agreement, SF-EA. It is recognized that the information contained herein is not complete in every detail and may be altered at the Company's discretion. Should you have a question regarding Company benefits or polices, please contact your immediate supervisor or the Human Resources Department ( [email protected] ) with a copy to your immediate supervisor. We are please you have chosen us at this point in your career and look forward to many years of mutual reward together.

Sincerely Yours,
Office of the















































It is Company policy to conform to the letter and spirit of national, state, and local equal employment opportunity laws and to maintain equal employment opportunities without regard to race, religion, color, age, gender, national origin, disability, or military status. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring, placement, upgrading, transfer or demotion, recruitment, advertising or solicitation from employees, treatment during employment rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training, and termination. The Firm may have from time to time an Affirmative Action Statement that sets forth the Firm's commitment to equal employment opportunity.


It is Company policy to conform to the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993. This policy states that employers with 50 or more full-time employees at any office location are required to provide eligible employees at such location with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in any 12-month period for the following reasons: (1) to care for a newborn child, or upon placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care; (2) to care for a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition; or (3) when the employee is unable to work because of the employee's own serious health condition.


The Firm's Human Resources department or HR department is [email protected]. Employees and workers of all types are subject to the provisions of this SF-EH and the SF-EA, and provide their services on a work-for-hire basis to the Company. A Full-time employee is a person who has been employed for what is anticipated to be a permanent position. Such employee is scheduled to work forty (40) hours a week. A Full-time employee is eligible for the benefits described in the section "Employee Benefits." Employees begin as a Temporary Full-time employee, or contract labor if in fact, and continue as such for an initial sixty (60) days. A Modified Full-time employee status is identical to a Full-time employee, except work for pay purposes over thirty (30) hours a week, or some other time amount set by the Company, must be authorized in prior writing, and all work must be billed to client(s) during the current period at normal multiplier ("Billed Time Only", see below).  Acknowledging the cyclic nature of the Company's business and in general the desire to employ as many as possible, Full-time employees may be temporarily shifted to Modified Full-time or Billed Time Only, as solely determined by the Company on a case-by-case, specific financial performance basis - this is not discrimination.A Part-time employee is a person who has been employed for what is anticipated to be a permanent position. However, such employee is scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours a week. A Part-time employee is not eligible for the benefits described in the section "Employee Benefits" with the exception of the 401(k) plan. A Contract Worker provides work and work product to the Company but may be an independent contractor paying their own government taxes. A Temporary or Contract employee is a person employed for a specific length of time, or for the duration of a project, or for a long period of time.  Such employee is not eligible for the benefits described in the section "Employee Benefits", and is required to resign or reduce time worked in the event he or she claims or would otherwise be entitled to benefits. A Billed Time Only employee.  Employees may or may not be subject to Billed Time Only, dependant upon then-current Company policy and in some cases the employee’s Employment Agreement.  Spouses and family members of employees are not hired full-time; however, in rare occasions, for Temporary defined periods family members may be considered for Billed Time Only assignments subject to normal approvals. No person may work, or may be employed, or be paid until all new-hire documents are in Austin, Texas, duly signed by the new employee, including standard form Employment Agreement, Acceptance Letter, W-4, etc, and then approved by counter-signature.   Employees who should be Billed are subject to Billed Time and Billed Time Only policies. Anything that affects employment including pay, status, OT, benefits, etc., to be effective must be in writing, usually a Salary Adjustment Request (SAR); even an officer or manager's verbal comments are not a writing and therefore if verbal remain subject to final approval.

You the Employee are solely responsible for all costs and maintenance without interruption, time is of the essence, for 1) your personal universal registration status such as NCEES for engineers and surveyors, or NCARB for architects; 2) at least one personal state license and registration in the state of your principal company office if you are an Architect or Engineer, or at least once certifying organization (ICC, CALBO, WABO, etc.) if you are a Certified building safety professional or construction inspector; and 3) personal-Company membership in one local association chapter (AIA, ICC, ASHRAE, SMPS). Any and all damage or cost to the Company, directly or indirectly, that arises in whole or part attributable to such personal failure described herein, or cost to the Company in the event of a failure to pass the ethics section of such state or universal license exam, is an Amount Due the Company deductible from periodic pay or otherwise as solely Company determined.

Remote and field office personnel enjoy extraordinary freedoms and have almost no over-the-shoulder supervision. However, our few rules and policies herein are precisely and strictly applied with no exceptions.


A standard form, not modified, two sheet, four page Employment Agreement ("SF-EA" or "EA" ) defining the responsibilities of both the employee or worker, and the Company, is to be executed in all cases for each new employee or workder before joining the Firm. In any event, the EA text, signed or not, defines part of Company Policy and your terms of employment or work; if one objects, the remedy is to resign, although you have continuing obligations and duties including those in the SF-EA.   Upon each pay date, you reaffirm you EA covenants by accepting pay. Your EA supersedes all other agreements between the Company and you unless such other agreement is a duly executed modification to the EA, clearly stated to be part of the EA, and attached to your EA. All employee covenants survive termination. All employee covenants are not dependant or predicated upon non-employee performance. In the event of conflicting documents, agreements or claims, you are bound by the EA. To be eligible for certain insurance coverage including errors & omissions, such duly executed ink signed EA between you and your current Company corporate employer must be in our  HR files.   To be effective in providing all benefits to you including certain benefits and insurance coverage, any equity participation rights, tenure, and certain cash incentives, this contract must be executed by you, accepted and countersigned by the CEO or his designated nominee, and accepted as fully effective and enforce by the Employee. Benefits of non-USA workers and employees may vary. Employees are bound by the Code of Ethics and standard form EA, executed or not. "Moonlighting", which includes performing any service or selling any product that could have been done through or by the Company or any of its affiliates, is strictly prohibited in all circumstances - there is no exception to this. This Employee Handbook and the EA contract are subject to Arbitration at Harris County, Houston, Texas under the Texas General Arbitration Statute. Letters, Acceptance Letters, Offer Letters, Salary Adjustment Requests and other similar documents or understandings are subject to change by the Company, are subordinate to, and are superseded by, the EA. Your remedy is to resign if you do not agree with a Company policy, a change in compensation, a change in employment status, a change in work conditions, or similar change or circumstance. Managers, the most senior or principal office registrant, officers and others identified in writing may reference the Managers' Flysheet of this handbook that sets forth their duties and the policy and procedures regarding operation of a Company office or business unit.  Simply because the Company fails to take an action or does not enforce its right is any given instance, the Company does not waive its right to act or enforce any provision of any contract; the Company categorically does not provide “tacit approval” to include employee actions or omissions that may be unlawful, unethical, in breach of contract or Company Policy. Any employee claim for Company breach of the EA or other agreement must be made preferably the day known, but within two (2) business days (time is of the essence) in writing to both an Officer of the Company and [email protected] in a fashion that clearly defines the written agreement document name, or the verbal agreement date, time and participants, the subject; the exact Company breach claimed; a reasonable time period for the Company to cure; and if possible several suggested solutions or cures. The New Hire Checklist serves as a guide for collecting the executed document required before the first day of employment and for most other employment documents. All work product, patents, intellectual property, copyrights, software, code, programming, design, trade secrets, and company confidential information are the sole property and remain the sole property of the Company, or its duly authorized designee as stated in a copyright notice or similar notice. All work you do of every nature and amount is "work -for -hire."

Notwithstanding any other condition, claim, provision, understanding, or request, and as a cardinal provision, all code (source code) developers, designers, EITs, professional engineers, architects, registered architects and related workers herewith agree and confirm to promptly upon notification or request by the Company to update, correct errors and omissions, and clarify code bugs, embedded English code comments, and design, calculation or inspection work product, which if required post-employment or post-work agreement will in all cases be paid by the Company within a reasonable time after repair or replacement and delivery to the Company of such work product at rates not to exceed the average rate paid while an employee or worker.

All references to BJY, BJY Group, any affiliate, BJYFederal Inc., any of our companies, the CASH Worldwide Project, FICC, any app, any other project from us, app, web site, or company reference is strictly prohibited and confidential due to our stealth development modes, stakeholders, new products' innovative nature, trademarks, your NDA etc., including but not limited to company names, project or app names or references, and application names or details, User Features, implementations, and procedures, or similar. At commercial release and for one (1) year thereafter there can be no public reference whatsoever, direct or indirect.

Even considering Firm operations were organized more than 60 years ago and we today have employees with up to 46 years tenure, unfortunately there comes a time when an employee retires or exits. The Checklist covers exit termination also. Sequentially, required New Hire documents include but are not limited to one's resume, a 100% complete Application, an Acceptance Letter signed by an officer and the candidate, and an executed standard form Employment Agreement. All work of every nature is "work-for-hire" and "at will". No employment, contract labor, sub-consultant, or other similar agreement is made, or may be interpreted, as a guarantee of work for any guaranteed period of time or for any project or task; if you opine there is any agreement otherwise, in writing cite this section and seek clarification from the CEO via the HR Department. 


A one-hour lunch period is normally scheduled from 12:00 noon to 1:00 P.M. Regular office hours are from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. For off-site work, time begins upon arrival at site. Two hour twenty minute lunches may be provided if the employee is enrolled in our fitness benefit (see Benefits). Multi-shift offices operate from 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M (Early shift), 3:30 P.M. to 11:30 P.M. (Afternoon shift), and otherwise weekends and nights (Weekend shift).   New facilities and multi-shift offices typically operate six or seven days a week. Employees who on a regular basis work in, or are assigned to, an office begin their work day upon arrival and log-in to their computer network, to include their daily Time Sheet.


It is the policy of the Firm to require a Purchase Order (PO) number for any purchases or creation of corporate liability over $500, and a written Purchase Order for liabilities in excess of $2,000. This Purchase Order can only be issued by Corporate Accounting. Any expense to be paid upon receipt of billing or invoice over $500 incurred by any employee without a purchase order will not be reimbursed by the Firm in any case. If a Purchase Order number or written PO is not obtained, the employee is acting on his /her personal behalf and the employee, not the Firm, is financially responsible for any expense or liability.  All employees are bound by the Purchase Order Policy; signature events and execution are formal.  Purchase Orders determine purchase transaction terms and conditions. There are no exceptions.


All prime (client) contracts and all sub-consultant ("J1108") contracts are authorized, valid and may be included in the Firm’s professional liability insurance coverage only if i) authorized by the Chief Administrator or by legal /accounting stamp at Headquarters /Corporate Accounting with original ink signature(s), and ii) on file at Headquarters /Corporate Accounting as printed on the special secure paper stock. Many such contracts receive in Austin our Corporate Seal.  Providing services without such written prime contract, or initiatory services of a sub-consultant without a daily executed J1108 sub-consultant's contract is grounds for termination, as it puts all employees and the Firm at risk.  To be eligible for certain insurance coverage including errors & omissions, a duly executed ink signed EA between you and your current Company corporate employer must be in our  HR files. Original fully executed J-1108 are filed in the Austin contract files (copy in the local office contract files and copy to ftp site), with Insurance Certificate from the subconsultant is to be attached to the J-1108. These must be in the Austin contract files before payments to the subconsultant may be made.


Hiring and compensation changes, although recommended by the offices, are negotiated, processed, approved and executed in advance only by Central Accounting Human Resources, including written approvals prior by the Chair or CEO, pursuant to duly executed written documents; there are no exceptions.   All new hires complete the documents in their new hire package; all such documents are created at Central Accounting and never in the field or by the applicant.  No other hiring action is desired, authorized or effective. Payment of bonuses or Incentive Cash does not constitute an obligation to continue doing so; the amount of such determined solely as the Company deems appropriate. All compensation in addition to one initial EA or pay constitutes the equivalent of bonus. Address all human resources and employment questions to [email protected]. All employees are paid on or about the 7th of the month, and overseas between the 15th and 20th provided Tickets (deliverable increments) and Time Sheets are conforming, or after in the event work claimed performed was not accepted by the client, for work performed during the previous pay period. Non-exempt employees may be paid also on the 22nd of each month if statutory.   Time Sheets are always subject to audit and correction by the Company at any time. Pay dates may be changed or accelerated from time to time.  In the event pay day falls on a holiday or weekend, the check may be issued on the first workday prior to the scheduled date as a convenience, or after. Any employee who plans to be away from the office on the day the paychecks are issued should make arrangements with the Human Resources Department for the disposition of his or her check. Paychecks not sent to Company offices may be sent U.S. Postal Service mail. The paycheck includes regular salary plus any appropriate overtime (OT may be authorized and approved only if approved in writing and prior to work, by Central Accounting or the Chair or CEO, for all types of employees or works including those under contract or supplied by a third party; some employees have status of "No OT"; some employees have the status of Billed Time Only) for non-exempt employees only, less withholding and other authorized deductions. New employees are required to fill out a withholding form along with other pertinent personnel and new hire document forms on or prior to their first day of employment, to be submitted to Corporate in time to process for the next regularly scheduled payroll.   "Moonlighting" is strictly prohibited; any damage to the Company becomes an Amount Owed the Company.   The Company does not pay for work at home, and may or may not pay for work delivered to a client prior to the client's acceptance of the work; however, in rare occasions for part-time registered plan reviewers not assigned to an office, a letter in one's Employee File, signed by the Chair or CEO and a cognizant accounting department employee, may authorize an Employee to work at home in the event no office is practically available. OT pay is always independent of OT that the client authorizes as Company effort. Web based Time Sheets must be completed daily pursuant to Company Policy and officer direction.

All work product, patents, intellectual property, copyrights, software, code, programming, design, trade secrets, and company confidential information are the sole property and remain the sole property of the Company, or its duly authorized designee as stated in a copyright notice or similar notice. All work you do of every nature and amount is "work -for -hire."


Employees are reimbursed for certain authorized ordinary and necessary business air travel expenses provided the related Travel Authorization Request (TAR) form is approved prior to travel. Travel should be planned and approved at least two weeks before departure but always at least seven days prior.  From time to time supervisors or officers may institute more restrictive policy regarding expenses that are payable by the Company. Address all human resources and employment questions to [email protected].On a case by case basis, if an employee is required by an officer to use his personal car on Company assignment, reimbursement is at the rate of fifty (50.0) cents per mile effective 6/30/08. Such reimbursement takes into consideration gas, oil, insurance, and wear and tear on your automobile. Mileage is not paid to and from work or to and from the work-site (IRS regulations). Mileage is not paid for use of a company vehicle. Company vehicles may be assigned to an employee only if the employee has a specific Client Visit, Association Meeting and New Client Contact assignment, and is faithfully executing this assignment. All client visits (include names, title, client, purpose), client meetings and reimbursement expenses should be accurately recorded on the employee's Expense Report (ER) form, please see the Employment page at this website for the correct ER form. Receipts for commercial air travel, automobile rental, room rental, client or prospective client visits and entertainment (include names, title, client, purpose), etc. are to be included with the expense report, to include as required by the Internal Revenue Service. All client visits are to be so recorded, and recorded in your Time Sheet. Expenses must be approved both by the employee's immediate supervisor and Corporate Accounting to become payable. To facilitate the processing and issuance of expense checks, expense reports are due in the Corporate Accounting Office by the fifth of the month following the date the expenses were incurred. However, expense reports should be prepared and submitted immediately upon completion of travel. Unless irregularities or deficiencies, Expense Reports (ERs) are paid within approximately three (3) weeks of submittal in proper form as approved by the immediate Supervisor to central Accounting (in this example, [email protected] or [email protected]), ink signed in two places by the Employee and in one by the first level Supervisor. Typically, but not always, ERs are paid within 15 business days of such submittal. Actual approval and payment is performed by central Accounting & Administration upon local office administrative review. There are three levels of review: Employee & local office administrator,, immediate Supervisor, central Accounting & Administration. The employee is responsible for reimbursing the Firm for any portion of a travel advance received but not used, such reimbursement must accompany the expense report related to the travel advance. The employee specifically agrees as a condition of employment that all outstanding advances, loans, notes, equipment loans and unauthorized expenses claimed will be deducted from last paycheck(s).  Travel credits and air mile credits are Company paid and are Company assets. Expenses not reported promptly and within thirty (30) days are barred, may not be reimbursed. The Company does not pay for living expenses at one's principal living address including transportation and food , nor for housing expenses unless for client contract billing purposes and specifically authorized in writing prior; nor for one's state of residence or primary registration, license and certification, nor for one's primary local office association (for example, ICC, AIA, ASHRAE, etc.) although all of these may be a required for employment; the PO policy is always applicable. However, the Company does pay by reimbursement the direct simple cost for, and the Employee shall promptly act to obtain, such memberships, licenses, registrations, and certifications other than for one's primary or state of residence if requested in writing by the Company pursuant to the Company's ongoing utilization, such reimbursement by the Company to the Employee to be made provided, and subject to, the Employee 1) does not breach any provision of the standard form (current) Employment Agreement or any provision of this Employee Handbook, and 2) the future period post termination Company use of and reference to Employee's project history; license, registration or certification cite; and forward proposal references, are not in any way hindered or restricted by Employee directly, indirectly, or effectively. The Company does not pay for: entertaining or purchase of meals for co-workers, alcohol, mileage or vehicle rental to and from work or the workplace (an IRS regulation), personal cell phone calls, or personal or non-business costs and expenses as determined solely by the Company. Advances and payments outside of or in addition to policy are not precedent. Vehicle and related costs, and other amounts owed the Company, will be deducted from final employee pay at year end or upon termination, to include Company payments made for any miles or usage charged as a business expense, but not in fact used as an allowed business expense.


Typically the Firm does not advance funds for travel. However, employees are reimbursed by Expense Report for authorized ordinary and necessary business and travel expenses provided the related Travel Authorization Request ("TAR") electronic form is approved prior to travel.   Travel should be planned and approved two weeks before departure when at all possible. All travel advances should be accurately recorded on the employee's Expense Report form ("ER"). Receipts, originals only, for commercial air travel, automobile rental, room rental, client or prospective client entertainment (including names and titles), etc. are to be included with the expense report as required by the Internal Revenue Service. Expenses must be approved by the employee's immediate supervisor and Corporate Accounting to be authorized, due, or payable. All Expense Reports should be prepared and submitted immediately upon completion of travel. The employee is responsible for reimbursing the Firm for any portion of a travel advance received but not used. Such reimbursement must accompany the expense report related to the travel advance. Travel credits and air mile credits are Company paid and Company assets. Expenses not reported promptly and within thirty (30) days may not be reimbursed. Upon termination, all expense reports are subject to verification, audit, and adjustment, if any.


Generally, the Firm does not pay moving or employment agency expenses and fees. As is the policy of many firms, in the few cases where the Firm may pay part of such expenses or fees, the employee will in all cases reimburse the firm for any such expenses and fees advanced or paid in relation to the employee, in the event the employee for any reason leaves the firm prior to two (2) years after such move or fee. This two (2) year provision is always in effect and need not be restated. The Firm never becomes obligated for such liabilities absent a written contract clearly stating agreement by all parties and signed by the CEO of the Firm.


It is the daily responsibility of each employee to fill out his or her electronic Time Sheet ("TS" or "time card", or part of the Weekly Time Sheet or Single Activity Time Sheet in the fashion requested. For many clients the Company generates a daily or "running" client invoice.  Always access your Time Sheet via, Employees: time sheet - Books. The Time Sheet should be reviewed for submission to the employee’s supervisor(s) before the last workday of the pay period, and in some cases where job costing is an issue, daily by the Employee.  For time sheet purposes, the pay period begins at 12:01am on the first and sixteenth of the month, and ends at midnight on the fifteenth and last day of the month.  Time Sheets are always subject to audit and adjustment by the Company. All employees and all contract labor must submit accurate, complete and signed or authenticated Time Sheets for job cost and approval purposes. A Supervisor's approval or signature on a Time Sheet is not final and actual approval for pay purposes, rather it is the first step in the approval process. If an employee is ill, on vacation, or out of the office when Time Sheets are due, arrangements must be made with the employee’s supervisor to have the Time Sheet completed and turned in to the Corporate Accounting Office. Failure to properly complete Time Cards may result in a delayed paycheck.  Time Sheets are subject to audit by the company at any time.  The Company does not pay for work at home.  Please note Time Sheets must be completed daily, and must be complete per Company Policy and officer direction. Address all human resources and employment questions to [email protected].


Due to the nature of this business, it is sometimes necessary that employees work overtime ("OT") on billed projects to meet client or Company schedules. Cooperation of all personnel in this regard is expected. Employees subject to the Wage and Hour Law, in "non-exempt" jobs, will receive time and one-half for all hours paid in excess of forty in an established workweek, one hour lunch standard policy. Employees must obtain written approval from their supervisor and from Central Accounting (Austin) before working overtime. Employees in exempt jobs who are required to work additional hours for an extended time over and above their EA or contract effort, on a specific project for a period not to exceed two (2) months may, at the discretion of the Division /Subsidiary /Affiliate Manager, be approved by SAR duly approved prior to any such OT to receive an incentive on a non-recurring basis. In general, exempt employees do not receive extra overtime pay.  Billed Time Only  and Modified Full-time may be instituted at any time in the event client work requirements do not support the work force. Client approval of OT billing and of OT effort is entirely different than Company prior approval or pay rate, work time, work assignment and OT pay. There is never an assumption nor even presumption of deviation from Policy. Only the Company can authorize and decide and instruct it's employees. Contracts and agreements between the Company and the employee are not the same as, nor do the terms and conditions co-mingle with, contracts between the Company and Clients. One example is salaried (exempt) employees may work more than 8 hours a day although there is not additional pay, while billing, subject to Client effort request, may reflect OT billed.


Personnel records must be kept up-to-date. It is the employee's responsibility to notify the Human Resources Department or a representative thereof, in writing or electronically, when changes are necessary. Such information includes changes in marital status, number of dependents, address, telephone number, education, and beneficiary of group life insurance. There is only one Human Resources Department, and only one original Employee File, located at the corporate offices in Austin. The information contained in an employee's personnel file (Employee File) is treated as confidential. The Company should not divulge information in the record unless the employee has indicated that the information may be released, as for example, when applying for credit or seeking a clearance for security purposes.


Each employee will evaluate his own performance every twelve months after the last quarter's financial statements are available using an email form requested by the employee from Human Resources.  Certain positions have a maximum pay wherein increases would result in the Company's being non-competitive. Receipt of such properly completed forms by HR enables progression to the next step in Evaluation.   Pay raises and Reviews (not the same as an Evaluation) are not granted every year, are typically bi-annual process, and are not "automatic". Every job has a maximum pay.   This Evaluation may be concurrent with the supervisor's appraisal, and a meeting will be held between the individuals to discuss their respective evaluations in such case.  Goal setting by numbers, metrics and dates is a mandatory, important part of the review process.  Always bring your "Project Picture Pages" (completed project descriptions) to Evaluations.   Together with the supervisor, each employee will plot a course toward excellence and with [email protected] should monitor progress on a regular basis.  Managers submit and present formal sales, business development, and summary business plans to support staffing and cost increases. These formal, recorded Evaluations are maintained by Human Resources and are not for the purpose of salary adjustment, but are a prerequisite for salary increases.  It is the Employee's responsibility to specifically and clearly request definition of advancement requirements.   In general, advancement is made possible by office growth measured in annual revenue growth.

Registrant's or certificate holder's (Employee's) evidence of state or other registration or licenses may be posted at any time including up to three years after leave, termination or last day of any type of work.. Registrants or Employee's project history with the Company, or related in any way to the past, present or future business, becomes a permanent part of the Company's history and heritage with all rights to publicize and promulgate same without limitation.


The best way to advance is to be part of a growing office, directly contributing in a measurable way to the growth of the office and the office’s achievement of stated Company objectives and goals. It is always the case that an office has defined, written objectives and goals measured by financial performance, dollars, dates, client opinions and new client contracts won. Know these objectives and you know the way to advance.  If you are not certain, please ask. The Firm encourages each employee to strive to advance himself as far as possible.  The majority of the factors which will contribute to advancement are under the employee's control.  Showing initiative, a clear and consistent drive to satisfy the client, loyalty, effective promotion of the Firm to all clients, being industrious, exercising good judgment, dependability, executing specific tasks lists, and working well with others are among factors which can make an employee eligible for advancement within the Company. In addition, such factors are heavily considered in determining salary increases.


Anything that affects employment including pay, status, OT, benefits, etc., to be effective must be in writing, usually a Salary Adjustment Request (SAR); even an officer or manager's verbal comments are not a writing and if verbal remain subject to final approval or change. Salaries and jobs have intrinsic maximum pay bands consistent with published industry means. Every job and job category has a maximum pay. Salary increases are to be discussed between the employee and his immediate supervisor. Salary increases, if the employee is not at the job type compensation (pay band) maximum, may be granted after a Review and Evaluation (two separate processes) on the basis of merit, both past and predicted, as determined by an evaluation of the employee's record during the preceding year(s). Increases are not granted each year. In general, average increases are limited to the Consumer Price Index.  Changes are proposed on the electronic Salary Adjustment Request form ("SAR") by the D/S/A Manager. Approval must be attained in writing at least one (1) month prior to the effective date.   All verbal discussions regarding increase amounts absent formal SAR process and approval are categorically null and void.  Asking for an increase outside policy is considered bad form and results in lesser overall compensation than otherwise; rather, ask what performance need be demonstrated to support an increase.


Promotions and job changes are to be discussed between the employee and his immediate supervisor. Promotions are granted to those employees who have shown an interest in and ability to assume greater responsibility, make few errors, are "truly team players", produce greater results than before, and to those who have demonstrated increasing effectiveness with clients.  It is Company practice to award promotions prior to salary increases.


Employees must remember that the Firm's business is confidential and should not be discussed with anyone. Company confidential information includes but is not limited to any document or electronic file so marked or described; all email regardless of making, prospect lists, customer lists, client contracts; employee pay rates, employee characteristics and evaluations, employee addresses, employee lists and rosters; business strategy and tactics, business plans, and all types or financial information, summary format or otherwise. Caution should be taken so as not to disclose any information relative to a project to anyone except other current employees who are specifically entitled to receive such information. This is particularly true in the case of projects and related confidential information undertaken for clients, along with any accounting and client data. All documents, email, and electronic data generated in the normal course of business or related to the business are the property of the Firm, and right of possession lies solely with the Firm. Email, similar electronic records, and similar records are not retained except as an appropriate part of a Project File or other file having oversight by an officer; the Company purges such documents on a routine, short-term basis. All work product, patents, intellectual property, copyrights, software, code, programming, design, trade secrets, and company confidential information are the sole property and remain the sole property of the Company, or its duly authorized designee as stated in a copyright notice or similar notice. All work you do of every nature and amount is "work -for -hire."


Adverse Event Policy.  Events adverse to, or potentially adverse to, the interests of the Firm, of any nature, are to be immediately reported the same day to your supervisor, [email protected], and to the CEO and Chairman by email.   Examples include, but are not limited to: client complaints, requirements to rework, potential errors and omissions claims, employee dissatisfaction that may result in an employee’s departure, recruiting of our employees by any third party, changes in a client’s financial or project condition, client work quality rating of "average" or lower, similar events, and any adverse event.


Reporting for Work Employment carries with it the personal responsibility of each employee to be on the job and on time every scheduled workday. If an employee knows that he or she is going to be absent or late, he should advise his immediate supervisor accordingly by telephone.  Failure to report, reporting late, and habitual or excessive absences will not be tolerated and becomes a permanent part of the record; reduced work time means reduced pay. Invalid use of sick leave is in this same category.  For field work, work starts and pay begins upon arriving at the work-site, although the Company may bill for other time and costs.  All employees enter their Start time (per log-in), their Depart or ending time (log-out) and their client billed time detail daily in their Weekly Time Sheet via the web.   The Company does not pay for work at home. Substantiated client reports of poor conduct or un-professionalism are ground for termination. Coffee Breaks It is the policy of the Company to conform to the Fair Labor Standard Act to provide rest breaks during the course of each workday. However, due to the nature of our business, this is not always possible. On these days, employees may secure refreshments from either Company coffee rooms or the building snack bar and take them back to their individual areas. Personal Computer Use, Personal Activities in General Employees are expected to minimize their use of office telephones for personal calls. Computer and similar telecom personal, recreational, or entertainment Internet browsing and personal use is strickly prohibited. Personal calls, both incoming and outgoing, should be limited to only those that are essential, should be no longer than three to five minutes, and should be made during the lunch period if at all possible. However, calls either in or out concerning job searches or recruiting not for the direct benefit of the Firm, and without prior written management approval in all such cases, are strictly prohibited. Personal long distance, cell phone, or other types of telecommunications calls or fees should not be charged to the Firm.  


The Company never has had the sexual harassment  issue arise, and does not expect to in the future. However, prudent policy dictates the need for a clear and strong written policy regarding sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is not tolerated. Sexual harassment is defined as [an act, statement, writing, communication, or gesture which is interpreted by the affected party to be sexual harassment and is sexual in nature], occurring at [any place where business of the Firm may be transacted, including business social functions].  Any such event that may be interpreted or claimed to be sexual harassment is to be reported immediately both to Corporate and to your immediate supervisor in writing or by email. Our policy is to act quickly and fairly on any complaint, if such should occur. It is paramount that all individuals are treated with respect, dignity and appreciation for their views.  Although you have other contractual duties regarding any claim by you of discrimination, you have warranted to the Company that you will promptly notify in writing both the HR department and the CEO in the event you may have, have or know of any other employee that has a claim of discrimination of any nature against the Company or any of its officers, managers or employees. This notification must be completely clear as to the exact nature of the claim, and what you view all of the possible solutions to be.


A one (1) month written notice is expected of all employees who voluntarily terminate, except officers, supervisors, and managers of all types (including but not limited to Discipline RA and PE Leads, Producers, Directors, Tech Leads, Team Leads, and ad hoc Leads) from whom two (2) months notice is required.  Such resignation should specify the actual reasons for leaving the Firm.   Absent such notice, any and all benefits are void. Employees are "at-will", and may have their status changed by the Company as it deems necessary pursuant to statute. A resigning employee, in addition to being eligible for payment of earned wages up through the last day worked, will also be eligible to be paid up to two weeks (10 days) of unused , available vacation (the maximum weeks that can be earned in the immediately prior six month period) provided such employee has completed at least twelve (12) months of active service and has given at adequate written notice prior to termination, both to the Division /Subsidiary /Affiliate Manager and to Human Resources, and is not in violation of workplace rules, policy, or Employment Agreement.   Note that depending on tenure, up to three (3) weeks of vacation can be available during a calendar year.  Employees conducting searches for other employment without notifying their supervisor in writing prior, or during work hours, or using company equipment, are in breach of their covenants to the Firm, are not entitled to pay as contained in this section, and may forfeit certain benefits. "Conditional" notices of termination by the Employee do not meet this provision for termination by the Employee, for example ("I terminate in the event of . . ." or similar; only written notices of termination from the Employee provided directly to and received by [email protected] and to the Chairman, with a termination date specific, are valid notices. In the event that a conditional notice of termination is issued by the Employee, the Company has the option of not paying for work claimed after the date of issuance of such conditional termination. Deductions will be made from the final pay check for Amounts Owed the Firm, expense report errors, contract amounts due the Company, work product shipped by the employee but revenue diverted, any vacation time /sick leave previously taken that is in excess of the time contingently available as outlined under the Benefits section. There is no "vacation cash out". In addition, all sick leave and insurance coverage is automatically canceled effective with the last day of active employment.


The Firm provides these benefit, many of which are unique or special, benefits may vary by country or location:

Holidays Medical Plan

Medical Saving Plan, pre-tax


Sick Leave

Dental Insurance (MetLife, at cost 6/30/2008 if Medical Plan participant)

Group Term Life Insurance, $20,000 benefit (at cost if Medical Plan participant)

Vision Care (including safety glasses; at cost if Medical Plan participant)

NEW 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan Profit Sharing Plan, "Mirror 401" (Europe)

Education Assistance (case-by-case)

NEW Disability Option

Accidental Death & Dismemberment Option

Formal Performance Appraisal

Fitness, physical & mental, 2 hour lunch, TS entry*

Sports Club/Gym/Group membership, see Fitness benefit, above*

Prescription Drug Coverage

Voluntary Excess Life Insurance Option

Employee Assistance Plan (case-by-case)

PPO-Preferred Provider Organization

Travel Accident Insurance, option as applicable 

Dependent Life Insurance Option

Formal Training/Intern Program,USAjobs

Formal corporate training concurrent with post-graduate course work for those identified as business development candidates

Incentive Cash for referral and hiring of business development registrants (licensed architects and engineers hired to sell)

Incentive Cash or bonuses based on the cash profit & loss report for senior contributors

Substantial Incentive Cash for introductions and attendance with owners and principals of acquisition candidates

Free memberships in financial affiliates

Local office available vehicle for business purposes

Alcohol/Drug Program

Flextime, as applicable

Flexible Benefits

Geographic Salary Differentials

Auto Allowances or vehicles

Design Awards to employees, selected by internal vote

Available Overseas European and Resort Duty

Job Outplacement service

USAjobs Home Internet access

Personal Long Distance Telephone (restrictions may apply)

Some benefits including insurance and insurance options require employee application, approval and inclusion verification -- all employee responsibilities.

* Our unique Fitness Benefit, one of our Benefits, helps protect your mental health, fitness, wellness, and may extend your life. It is based on substantial daily aerobics and vigorous exercise. Here are the guidelines for our YMCA or prior-approved aerobics group, club or facility that provide (preferably group) walk, run, swim, pool therapy, cycle, row or aerobics /spin class - approved programs that demonstrate recorded aerobic and heart rate based metrics.

You must submit to HR a letter or note from your physician stating that he or she approves your participation and specific program. You must obtain HR approval of the monthly membership cost prior to enrolling for this benefit. To be eligible for such Company paid membership at a facility or with such group of your choice, wherein you participate in a regular, minimum three (3X) times per week or more often program, your fitness workout time, aerobic metrics, and heart-rate with duration must be recorded daily (that day) in your Time Sheet. Four (4X) a week is preferred. This benefit allows a 2 hour lunch as non-overtime compensating time for salary (exempt) employees per day of fitness workout, provided that day two half days are worked or that week ten (10) half days are worked. Please do not do these workouts at the end of the day unless you have already worked the two half days that day. In the event 2X per week is averaged not 3X, then half of this Fitness Benefit is payable. Details of administering the Fitness Benefit are to be worked out between HR and the Employee on a case by case basis. The Company is highly desirous of providing and paying this benefit, because it is in the best interest of the Employee in several ways.


To be eligible for certain insurance coverage including errors & omissions, a duly executed ink signed EA between you and your current Company corporate employer must be in our HR files.  Coverages may change at any time, for any reason. Health insurance is provided to all full-time employees for a reasonable fee.  Dependent coverage is available and if elected, is paid 100% by the employee through pre-tax payroll deductions. Optional dental, vision (including safety glasses) and life insurance presently in the amount of twenty thousand ($20,000.00) dollars, can be provided at cost to all full-time employees.  There is a 60 day waiting period by eligible employees on coverage.  Coverages and plans are reviewed and quoted yearly; changes are typical and usually beneficial. Optional Travel Accident insurance may be provided to full-time employees, if elected in writing, and if processed by Rockville Administration and [email protected]. Coverage is extended to employees who are required in the course of their duties to travel for the Firm, either in or out of the city where employed. While traveling on business, an employee receives 24-hour coverage in the event of accidental death or dismemberment. The benefits derived from this type of coverage are in addition to any other insurance benefits provided.


Vacation is a benefit available through active service. After one year, new employee (available) vacation days will be calculated from the anniversary date of employment until the next January 1 at a rate of 0.834 days per month (prorated ten days / year); all exempt employees must take vacation in whole days. As of each January 1, full time employees will be entitled to (available) vacation days in accordance with the following schedule:

Years of Service Completed

  Vacation Days / Month


1 - 5

.834 / month up to 10 days per year


.917 / month up to 11 days per year


1.00 / month up to 12 days per year


1.084 / month up to 13 days per year


1.167 / month up to 14 days per year


1.67 / month up to 20 days per year

  Vacation days not used by December 31, of the year they are available, expire. Vacation days do not carry over into the next calendar year. Employees do not "earn" vacation one year to be taken in the next year(s); vacations are to be taken in the same year vacation days are made available. To the benefit of the employee, the Firm promotes the use of available vacation. Scheduling of vacation time is subject to approval by your appropriate supervisor (Division /Subsidiary /Affiliate Manager) and an Officer. In all cases vacation time must be scheduled at least two (2) weeks in advance and entered into your daily QBOE Time Sheet (or Weekly Time Sheet), then approved or not by an Officer. [email protected] posts approved vacation time to the master Calendar presently maintained by our Rockville, MD office.  It is preferred that one half of the years vacation be taken before June 30, the balance before December 1, and that vacation days be taken in one week (5 work day) blocks as to not adversely effect project schedules.  All vacation should be so recorded on the Time Sheet with the appropriate vacation activity code. One does not approve their own vacation; it is always the case a superior /supervisor and Officer approves, or not. Unapproved or unscheduled vacation is leave without pay (LWOP). Deductions will be made from the final paycheck for any vacation time taken that is in excess of the vacation time actually available to the employee at time of termination.   Vacations will not be granted as part of the required two (2) week notice of resignation, or as a device to extend the employment date of a terminating employee, which includes use of vacation within the last month before termination, under any circumstance. Although there is no vacation "accrual", as a severance benefit and at the sole option of the Firm, credits may be made to the final paycheck for available vacation days not used as of the notice of resignation /termination up to a maximum of two weeks (10 days), provided the employee gives one month (officers four months, and managers, two months) prior written notice of termination to Human Resources and to the Division /Subsidiary /Affiliate Manager, and has complete twelve (12) full calendar months of full time active service. Vacation is not payable in the event it is used to extend or as a practical matter extends termination, i.e. he/she must work the full business month or equivalent immediately preceding and following the vacation in order to receive vacation pay.


The Company observes seven (7) paid holidays plus one "floating" holiday, eight (8) total,  during the year: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day (One Floating Day) Holidays, which fall on a Saturday, will generally be observed on the prior Friday. Holidays which fall on a Sunday will generally be observed on the following Monday. To qualify for holiday pay, employees must work the full workday immediately preceding and following the holiday.   There are no exceptions, this is precisely enforced.  If an employee has available vacation time and would like to schedule vacation around a holiday, this is acceptable; the employee will be paid holiday pay, provided the vacation is scheduled at least two weeks in advance as posted on the office's network Calendar, and the vacation is duly approved per policy. If an employee is not eligible for vacation, he/she must work the full business day immediately preceding and following the holiday in order to receive holiday pay.

Claimed "holidays" not part of the 7+1 annual pre-defined holidays are not only leave without pay, but are also subject to second breach notification of that results in loss for the month of special benefits and bonuses, and results in pay at the lower of original hire base pay or local prevailing wages.


The Firm realizes that on occasion an employee may need to be absent from work because of the employee’s personal illness severe to the degree the employee cannot work.   To provide for salary continuation in the event of personal illness, regular full-time employees with benefits are allowed to utilize sick leave (SL), provided a physician's certificate or statement is supplied to be eligible, in accordance with the following schedule: Employment Period Sick Leave Rate Availability- 1st 12 months of employment 1/2 day/month of service not to exceed 5 days per year; 12 months of service or more completed 1 day/month of service notto exceed 10 days per year. Effective January 1, 2004, two (2) SL days will not require a physician's certificate, but will require approval by the local office supervisor and manger. Sick leave is not "accrued" and is to be utilized only in the even of actual illness or injury on the part of the employee that prevents work. In order to be compensated for a sick day, an employee must notify his supervisor and Central Human Resources in Austin ([email protected] ) by 8:30 A.M. your time on the first and second day of the illness by email. An employee who does not email or call  in to Central Human Resources will not be eligible for payment, even though he would otherwise be eligible for sick leave. Sick leave advances (sick leave paid without available sick leave days) may be made from time to time. Sick leave should be reported on the Time Card with the proper job and activity code. Sick leave time is not used for routine doctor visits or family member illnesses but rather only in the event the employee is injured or to ill such that they cannot work. Sick leave may be audited upon termination, and usually each year. Amounts Owed the Company, if any, will be deducted from the final paycheck(s).


In the event of the death of a member of the employee's immediate family, the employee will be allowed up to three (3) consecutive work days' absence with pay in order to attend the funeral. If additional days are required, they may be taken without pay or used as vacation days. For the purposes of this policy, "immediate family" shall include all legal dependents and the following: mother, father, spouse, son, daughter, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law. To attend the funeral of any other close family member, the employee may use available vacation or take up to three days off without pay with the supervisor’s approval.


The Company respects an employee's duty as a citizen to serve on juries when requested to do so. Any full-time employee receiving a notice to appear for jury duty should notify his supervisor immediately. When serving on jury duty, the employee will receive pay for the time spent on jury duty during normal working hours, Monday through Friday.


Leaves of absence without pay are granted on an individual basis to regular full-time employees. Requests for leaves of absence must be in writing, and are subject to the approval of the Division/Subsidiary/Affiliate Manager, the acting Human Resources Director, and Corporate Accounting. Leaves that may be authorized include Military, Educational, Medical, and Maternity. The conditions of the leave will be determined on an individual basis. An employee on an approved leave of absence in excess of two weeks will earn no benefits for vacation or sick leave purposes. Group insurance coverage will be continued only until the end of the month in which the leave was granted, however, such coverage may be continued for the duration of the leave provided the employee makes prior arrangements with the Human Resources department. In such instances, the employee will pay the full cost of the premium. Should an employee fail to return to work at the expiration of his leave, he will be considered to have "resigned without notice" effective with his last day worked. All employees of the Firm are protected under the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act, which provides medical and hospital care and partial compensation for lost time in the event the employee suffers an accident in the course of employment. Employees with sick leave may utilize such sick leave in the event of an occupational injury. In this instance, the Firm will pay the difference between the regular wages and the Workmen's Compensation benefits set by law. In the event of accidental injury, the employee should immediately report the circumstances to the Human Resources Department and fill out a "First Report of Injury" form. If it is necessary for the employee to consult a doctor or obtain medicine, all bills for such should be forwarded to the Human Resources Department.

The 2 week advance notice and approval, or not, applies to unauthorized vacation, "holiday", leave, leave without pay, and similar unscheduled and unauthorized absences. Second breach notification of this provision results in loss for the month of special benefits and bonuses, and results in pay at the lower of original hire base pay or local prevailing wages.


The Fidelity Administered Profit sharing 401(k) Plan is designed to encourage and assist the employee in adopting a regular long-term saving program and enable him to share in the Firm's profits. The Company desires Participants and non-Participants to become informed and suggest 401(k) improvements. Any employee is eligible to join at any time after his first day of employment.  Fidelity Investments is the trustee of the plan assets and fiduciary regarding them.  The plan consists of pre-tax contributions by member employees. The funds are invested by the employee in a diversified program. Complete details on the plan are made available to an employee at the day of employment.  Routine matters related to the Plan are administered by the Plan Committee as supported by your Plan Liaison or your 401(k) Liaison. The Board or Chairman decides all matters of Company contributions, the Plan document and the terms and conditions of same. The Firm matches in January the 401(k) Plan new hire member’s contributions up to $1600.00 during the prior calendar year (first year of hire) at a twenty-five percent (25%) rate (contribute $1600.00 to your 401(k) and the Firm contributes $400.00), if requested in writing during such prior calendar year by such new hire member. In addition, the Firm may match the division /subsidiary /affiliate employee's periodic contributions to the 401(k) Plan up to three percent (3%) of such employee's actual monthly salary, vested as defined in the plan, effective the period beginning April 2000 subject to financial performance. Please inquire to Central Accounting or a Company officer. Please reference the actual, controlling 401(k) Plan document for details. In all cases, this Plan document defines the exact and only benefit to Participants. For European staff, there is a "Mirror 401 Profit Sharing Plan" which provides to certain employees of exceptional merit and contribution Incentive Cash or bonuses in certain technology or spin off business units slated independent funding.


Opening a local bank account in the name of the corporation or a similar name is under all circumstances and situations prohibited; all such accounts are maintained only by Austin. To do so is grounds for immediate termination. However, a petty cash account not in the name of the corporation may be opened with prior written approval from the CEO. Paychecks reaffirm standard form, full four page EA, reaffirm SF-EH, and Employee covenants to be bound by all Company Policy and CEO directives. The Employee's sole remedy is resignation in the event of refusal to accept and execute latest Company policy. Through the TQM and "ISO9000" programs, the Firm is setting a standard of excellence in the quality of service. Each employee is expected to accept responsibility for personal excellence in every task undertaken. You, the employee, will participate in setting personal standards and evaluating your performance through the Job Performance and Evaluation system described earlier. To help you meet your goals and to provide you with the necessary tools to achieve excellence in performance, the Firm will offer training opportunities, from formal classes and seminars with professional instructors to self-instruction through books and audiotapes. TQM and ISO9000 are taken seriously by management and become a part of reviews. Training requirements will be determined by the performance evaluation process and will be based on the supervisor's recommendation.


At the discretion of the Division /Subsidiary /Affiliate Manager, computer and software classes will occasionally be made available at no cost to the employee on an after-hours basis. Data, files, notes and records of all types including communications and Internet activity may be monitored or kept at any time, or not, by the Company to ensure activity does not undermine or violate the Company's rights, interests, and practices. Internet time and communication time worked and paid by the Company for Company work and in the Company's best interest but in fact used by the employee for personal purposes become Amounts Due the Company by the Employee. Internet pornography is strictly prohibited. You are on notice that any private, non-business-related activities are done at the user’s own risk. Have no expectation of privacy. A password is not an indicator of personal privacy. Any computer or device provided to the Employee by the Company, directly or indirectly, at the office or at home or elsewhere, or any such computer or device used by the Employee to conduct Company business is subject to monitoring at any time by the Company.


The Firm enjoys an owner-funded advance study tuition policy determined on a case-by-case basis. Interested parties should contact the Chairman directly. On a case by case basis, the Firm may provide scholarships, internships and assistance to Employees and their children for the purpose of promoting business development and (engineering related or financial) business management skills, or depth.


Other compensation of any nature that has not been authorized in writing by the Chief Executive Officer is not due and payable under any circumstance.   This includes special or extraordinary expense reimbursement, moving costs, employment agency costs, overtime, and pay without work.  All agreements and arrangements concerning compensation must be in writing signed by an authorized officer of the Company, filed in the Central Employee File.  If it's not in writing prior, it's not operative. Anything that affects employment including pay, status, overtime (OT), benefits, etc., to be effective must be in writing, usually a Salary Adjustment Request (SAR); even an officer or manager's verbal comments are not a writing and therefore if verbal remain subject to final approval.

Note: This handbook has been provided for the purpose of acquainting employees with policies, benefits and mutual responsibilities. It does not constitute a contract of employment in whole or in part; however, policy and procedures are defined herein, as referenced in that certain Employment Agreement. The Company reserves the right to add to, change or delete any part of its policies or benefits, including those covered here, at any time without notice.  Copyright © 1992-2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 G.W. Young